The Latest From RiseWell

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Why you should avoid foaming agents when you brush!
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Why you should avoid foaming agents when you brush!
The Importance of the Oral Microbiome by an Expert
What you put in your mouth really does matter. I don’t just mean your food, but also the dental products you use.
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The Importance of the Oral Microbiome by an Expert
Why you should avoid foaming agents when you brush!
Why you should avoid foaming agents when you brush!
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What if I Don’t Have Dental Insurance?
What if I Don’t Have Dental Insurance?
I highly believe that not having dental insurance should not stop you from seeking and receiving professional oral care. Please don’t get discouraged if you’re in this boat—there are many resources out there to help people get treatment at affordable costs.
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Does Smiling Make Me Healthier?
Does Smiling Make Me Healthier?
A smile is worth a thousand words — and then some! Dentists love to talk about the importance of maintaining your smile, and it’s not just a cheesy cliché meant to make you feel better about going in for your appointments.
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Your Oral Health and Pregnancy
Your Oral Health and Pregnancy

Congratulations on your growing family!

As you may know, RiseWell began when my sister and co-founder, Kori, and her husband, John, were trying to get pregnant. In an effort to ensure the most optimal environment for their family’s health, they realized that so many of their household essentials, like toothpaste, were full of toxins. Soon afterwards, RiseWell (and baby Leo) was born. We believe that you shouldn’t have to compromise your family’s oral health — that you can have clean products with science-backed results

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The Many Benefits of Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
The Many Benefits of Alcohol-Free Mouthwash
How would you describe the sensation of mouthwash? Bitter? Tear-inducing? Burning? Mouth drying? All unpleasant characteristics, and yet these are all common traits of alcohol-based mouthwashes, which are the usual commercial varieties that you see on store shelves. 
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How to Treat Gum Disease and Gingivitis
How to Treat Gum Disease and Gingivitis
You do not need to be a dental professional to tell if you have gingivitis, aka gum disease. If your gums are tart red, irritated, sore, and bleeding, you probably have gingivitis. Bleeding anywhere on the body, especially the mouth, is not good. Common sense, right?
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Why You Should Take Care of Your Gums
Why You Should Take Care of Your Gums

Lets say your teeth look great… Do you still have to care about your gums?

A little inflammation doesn’t hurt (much), right? Wrong. The bacteria that inflame your gums are also wreaking havoc on other systems in your body, and are linked to some serious, fatal diseases.

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What to Do When Your Baby Starts Teething
What to Do When Your Baby Starts Teething
Teething is an exciting and important milestone in your baby’s development—and unfortunately, a potentially uncomfortable experience for your infant, too. 
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Canker Sores & How to Cure Them
Canker Sores & How to Cure Them
What are canker sores? Well, first, they’re extremely annoying. They’re small ulcers that occur around the inside of your mouth, around your tongue, or inside of your cheeks. Luckily, though they’re no fun, they’re not contagious—they usually resolve themselves and go away on their own.
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The Step-By-Step Guide to Treating TMD
The Step-By-Step Guide to Treating TMD
What do you know about the temporomandibular joint—aka, the TMJ? Unless you’re a dentist, too, you may not have been heard of it before.
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Why Choose Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste for Kids
Why Choose Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste for Kids
Fluoride works. That’s an undisputed fact. It prevents tooth decay by supporting the remineralization process and slowing enamel damage caused by plaque.
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How to Use Mouthwash
How to Use Mouthwash
Rinsing with mouthwash, aka oral rinse can be a beneficial complement to your daily brushing and flossing routine, but it’s the lesser-known of the three steps.
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